


Glyposate (Roundup) Update: Keep Food Safe from Glyphosate Act

Oatmeal and other common children's breakfast foods made from oats contain glyphosate residues, 2018 study finds. The August 2018 Environmental Working Group report on glyphosate  contamination of children's oat breakfast foods was perhaps the first spark that ignited interest in protecting children from glyphosate exposure. A newly proposed bill would ban the pre-harvest spraying of glyphosate on oat crops. And while glyphosate has been banned, along with all other synthetic [...]

By |2019-04-03T20:45:21-07:00April 3rd, 2019|Blog|0 Comments

2019 ‘Dirty Dozen’ Foods: Toxic Produce

The Environmental Working Group's Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™ is out for 2019 and it tells a tale of increased pesticide use on conventionally grown US produce. The list includes some of the healthiest foods we could be eating. But if you're eating the conventionally grown versions on on the 'dirty dozen' foods list, instead of being healthy, they are downright toxic. Other facts revealed in the report include [...]

By |2019-03-27T10:28:33-07:00March 26th, 2019|Blog, Fruits and Vegetables|0 Comments

Coming Clean on Washing Pesticides Off Fruits and Vegetables

Does Washing Pesticides Off Fruits and Vegetables Accomplish Anything? In the latest EWG "Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce"™ the group observed that the USDA 'vigorously washed' all produce before testing. The group also consistently recommended washing pesticides off fruits and vegetables as a way to reduce contamination on produce. Also, studies show that washing can reduce contamination levels. But those with any real in-depth understanding of the nature of pesticides [...]

By |2019-03-26T03:36:40-07:00March 26th, 2019|Blog, Fruits and Vegetables|0 Comments

The Lowdown on Roundup Ready, GMO & Roundup Knock Down or Why There Is Glyphosate in Your Food

Everywhere you look these days, it seems glyphosate (Roundup) is in the headlines. But how does it all fit together and what does it mean? Glyphosate is just one chemical used in modern agricultural spraying. Sure, people applying the poison as a weed-killer might be likely to suffer from exposures that can cause illness or even death. But, what about the rest of us who never touch the [...]

By |2019-03-22T11:35:41-07:00October 26th, 2018|Blog|0 Comments

Juicing Recipes: Making the Healthy Fresh Juices We Love

The Power of Healthy Recipes for Relieving Pain, Healing Chronic Conditions and Supporting Vibrant Health Juicing Recipes: Everybody's Looking for Something If you're into juicing, chances are you like using juice recipes. Simple or complex, a juice recipe's main job is to make it easy for you to follow so you can create a fantastic juice. Healthy juice recipes to feed your mitochondria. In some ways, juice recipes [...]

By |2018-10-25T12:10:24-07:00August 29th, 2018|Blog, Fruits and Vegetables, Good Stuff, Juicing, Recipes|4 Comments

How to Make Sure Your Strawberries Are Healthy

Here at SustainableYum, we love our strawberries. There is no better way to eat healthy and Healthy Eating Strawberries celebrate the arrival of Spring than with a nice big bowl of fresh strawberries. We’d say, in fact, that a bowl of cut up strawberries and bananas may be the most delicious way to eat healthy on earth. Unless of course, you were to whip up some fresh raw [...]

By |2019-05-14T11:58:23-07:00May 18th, 2018|Blog, Fruits and Vegetables|0 Comments

Magnesium Deficiency – The Dangerous Condition You Didn’t Know You Have

Here we are in the 21st century, with so much new information and so many amazing discoveries that keep us healthy and living well. It’s hard to imagine that simple magnesium deficiency can destroy our good health, but the fact is, it can and it does. […]

By |2018-10-03T02:29:07-07:00April 25th, 2018|Blog, Good Stuff|0 Comments

5 Potent and Powerful Healing Herbs from the Kitchen Garden

Herbs are potent healers and add wonderful flavors to a wide range of foods. From salads to soups, stews to desserts, baked goods and all manner of dressings and sauces, herbs can transform the flavors of our food. Eat them for their great taste and they will impart their healing as an added benefit. A Family of Culinary Herbs Perhaps most diverse and well used in the kitchen is the family Lamiaceae.   Sometimes called the [...]

By |2018-11-02T23:03:31-07:00July 12th, 2016|Blog, Fruits and Vegetables, Good Stuff|0 Comments

Why Hidden Sugar Matters and What the FDA’s New Labeling Rule Reveals

If you've spent any time reading about healthy food and healthy diets, you undoubtedly know that sugar is not healthy. But did you know that sugar has driven the rates of diabetes and diabetes type illnesses in the US to 1 in 3 Americans? Or that the cost of these illnesses is now increasing faster than the GDP? This is a serious health challenge, and it looks as if the FDA [...]

By |2018-08-31T18:16:04-07:00July 5th, 2016|Blog, Good Stuff|0 Comments

9 Things You Need to Know Before You Start a Juice Cleanse

1. You should know your fasting blood sugar levels (first thing in the morning) before you begin a cleanse. If blood sugar levels are normal, including fruit juices as a midafternoon treat during a cleanse is fine. Otherwise, restrict higher sugar content ingredients in your juicing plan. Pre-diabetic or diabetic persons should work with their personal health care professional closely during any cleanse. Knowing your fasting blood sugar levels before [...]

By |2018-08-31T18:16:04-07:00July 5th, 2016|Blog, Juicing|0 Comments

Free Produce Guide

As a way of saying thank you for buying "The Juice Recipe Book", I would like to offer you this FREE companion produce guide. Simply enter your email address below and we'll email you a download link:
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Produce Guide