Sustainable Yum2019-01-30T18:34:58-08:00
Juicing Recipes: Making the Healthy Fresh Juices We Love The Power of Healthy Recipes for Relieving Pain, Healing Chronic Conditions and Supporting Vibrant Health Juicing Recipes: Everybody's Looking for Something If you're into juicing, chances are you like using juice recipes. Simple or complex, a juice recipe's main job is to make it easy for you to follow so you can create a fantastic juice. Healthy juice recipes to... Juicing Recipes: Making the Healthy Fresh Juices We Love Read More Magnesium Deficiency - The Dangerous Condition You Didn't Know You Have Here we are in the 21st century, with so much new information and so many amazing discoveries that keep us healthy and living well. It's hard to imagine that simple magnesium deficiency can destroy our good health, but the fact is, it can and it does. Magnesium is a critically important, yet often overlooked, electrolyte mineral affecting the health of every... Magnesium Deficiency - The Dangerous Condition You Didn't Know You Have Read More Why Hidden Sugar Matters and What the FDA's New Labeling Rule Reveals If you've spent any time reading about healthy food and healthy diets, you undoubtedly know that sugar is not healthy. But did you know that sugar has driven the rates of diabetes and diabetes type illnesses in the US to 1 in 3 Americans? Or that the cost of these illnesses is now increasing faster than the GDP? This is a... Why Hidden Sugar Matters and What the FDA's New Labeling Rule Reveals Read More Could this Ancient Nut be the Super Food the Modern World has been Waiting for? The Coconut Bible by Annie Deeter, released January 2015 by Galahad Press Learn how the coconut can heal the brain, repair the skin, improve digestion and combat aging. And that's just the start. Discover the... Could this Ancient Nut be the Super Food the Modern World has been Waiting for? Read More Homemade Raw Milk Ice Cream Recipe Homemade Raw Milk Ice Cream topped with Strawberries, Blueberries, and Coconut Flakes There is nothing like homemade cold creamy raw milk ice cream to beat back a hot summer afternoon or top off a... Homemade Raw Milk Ice Cream Recipe Read More

About Us

Sustainable Yum is the blog of Annie Deeter – author, researcher and total foodie.

It is her goal to develop the site as a resource for information on good food, healthy clean eating, and sustainable food practices that anyone can implement to improve health and vitality while supporting a healthy world and food system.

The site is dedicated to finding new and creative ways to restore the sustainable and the yum in how we eat every day.


Annie Deeter is a professional researcher and writer. When one of her children introduced her to information about changes in the food industry over the last several decades, she began to do independent research into these changes and how they have affected the quality of food in America.

What she discovered led her to make many changes in her shopping, selecting and preparing of foods for her family. She has a keen interest in healthy eating, juicing and growing food in her own organic gardens.

She lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and enjoys frequent visits from her adult children for whom she still loves to cook.

What’s New Here


Books by Annie Deeter

Once you master the skills taught in this book, there is no limit to what you will be capable of creating in a kitchen with a nice piece of real, pastured beef.


From the healing potential of coconut oil to the detoxing power of coconut shell charcoal – learn why all parts of the coconut contain healing attributes.


Covering everything from different types of juicers, and the benefits of masticating juicers to sections on managing your juicing budget, setting a schedule, proper storage of fresh juices and more.


Juice Recipe Book Cover

The Juice Recipe Book is a true compendium of juice recipes and ingredients. Providing detailed nutrition data for every juice and ingredient with health benefits, it is an encyclopedic reference to the healing nutrition of fresh juices.


Free Produce Guide

As a way of saying thank you for buying "The Juice Recipe Book", I would like to offer you this FREE companion produce guide. Simply enter your email address below and we'll email you a download link:
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Produce Guide