About Us
Sustainable Yum is the blog of Annie Deeter – author, researcher and total foodie.
It is her goal to develop the site as a resource for information on good food, healthy clean eating, and sustainable food practices that anyone can implement to improve health and vitality while supporting a healthy world and food system.
The site is dedicated to finding new and creative ways to restore the sustainable and the yum in how we eat every day.
Annie Deeter is a professional researcher and writer. When one of her children introduced her to information about changes in the food industry over the last several decades, she began to do independent research into these changes and how they have affected the quality of food in America.
What she discovered led her to make many changes in her shopping, selecting and preparing of foods for her family. She has a keen interest in healthy eating, juicing and growing food in her own organic gardens.
She lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and enjoys frequent visits from her adult children for whom she still loves to cook.

What’s New Here
Glyposate (Roundup) Update: Keep Food Safe from Glyphosate Act
Oatmeal and other common children's breakfast foods made from oats contain glyphosate residues, 2018 study finds. The August 2018 Environmental Working Group report on glyphosate contamination of children's oat breakfast foods was perhaps the first [...]
2019 ‘Dirty Dozen’ Foods: Toxic Produce
The Environmental Working Group's Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™ is out for 2019 and it tells a tale of increased pesticide use on conventionally grown US produce. The list includes some of the healthiest [...]
Coming Clean on Washing Pesticides Off Fruits and Vegetables
Does Washing Pesticides Off Fruits and Vegetables Accomplish Anything? In the latest EWG "Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce"™ the group observed that the USDA 'vigorously washed' all produce before testing. The group also consistently recommended [...]
Bone Broth Over Spring Greens
Nothing stirs spring fever like the first green shoots heralding the coming new season, even when your hands are still wrapped around a mug of hot bone broth, New green tufts of baby onions join [...]